Saturday, June 30, 2007

On the road with Hillary Clinton

Yahoo News has an article on a speech Hillary Clinton gave to her supporters earlier today:

Within this speech, Clinton proclaims that the White House needs a 'clean sweep' in '08. "[The] culture of cronyism, corruption and incompetence" of the Bush administration needs to be cleaned out, and Clinton feels she's the one right to do the job. A few excerpts:

"Somebody said to me the other day if there was ever a time for a woman president it's now because we're going to have to do a lot of cleaning."

"Grab your buckets, grab your brooms," Clinton said. "We're going to have to do a clean sweep"

The article offers no reactions from the 1,000 women of the 'Women for Hillary' organization that filled this fundraiser.

Later today Clinton will be taking part in a forum sponsored by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. She plans on giving the same speech.